Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Cash Rules Every Around Me-C.R.E.A.M. Now think about this For a Second this Now to you this is from 1994 Wu Tang Album this is real life think about For example you can't use the phone is you don't pay the phone bill how do you do that You need money cash. Right now you are stting in a Room with light in it now if you didn't pay that eletric bill this month you would be in the dark How did you pay for is you used cash you see you control what you spend but for you to live your life money has to do it part Like you would not watch tv or look at this blog is you did pay your Cable Bill or your Phone if it up buy phone Line so for all you peolpewho think you can do anything with your money just remember this
Cash Rule Every Around Me

Because you see were you are now Of course you do

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